Oracle Enters Enterprise Search & Data Management Market

Oracle Enters Enterprise Search & Data Management Market

So the news is this: Oracle bought Endeca, a search and data management company. Smart move. Enterprise search has long been lacking, especially when it comes to searching unstructured data, and now Oracle will have a very compelling differentiator for its business intelligence and analytics platforms.

Here’s TechCrunch on the deal:

Endeca’s core technology enables companies to correlate and analyze unstructured data and provides enterprise search for large companies including Borders, Boeing, the Census Bureau, the EPA, Ford, Hallmark, IBM, and Toshiba. The company specializes in guided search, and auto-categorizing results based on the keywords someone enters. Endeca charges from $100,000 to more than $10 million per installation.

Endeca’s InFront offering allows businesses with tools for advanced merchandising and content targeting for e-commerce. And Endeca Latitude enables businesses to rapidly develop analytic applications that draw information and data from unstructured and structured sources together.

An aside: I wonder what this means for Oracle’s Secure Enterprise Search product?

Also, there is some speculation that the sound we all just heard was Oracle entering the search space, but I don’t this move is that broad. They’re going to nail enterprise search like nobody else has before. Watch.


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