Join the MIPRO team online, October 23rd – October 26th, for the Quest PeopleSoft RECONNECT 2023 Dive Deep Conference
Reconnect is the global PeopleSoft event of the year:
- 4 days of learning to keep you in the loop on PeopleSoft updates and feature enhancements.
- IT leaders and business users with PeopleSoft experts, industry innovators, technology leaders and Oracle product teams for insights, education and information.
- Plenty of practical how-to learning.
- Flexible session formats so you can build the agenda that best fits your schedule.
- Watch real-time or enjoy instant replay for sessions that you couldn’t attend live.
Stop by our virtual booth in the Reconnect 2023 Exhibitor Showcase and play Quest-opoly for a chance to win a set of Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds.

Be sure to catch MIPRO’s education sessions and booth demos:
Session ID: 100150
Title: Improving the PeopleSoft End User Experience
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 24th, 4:45pm – 5:45pm EDT
Oracle has been making tremendous investments in the ability to configure and personalize PeopleSoft while allowing you to eliminate customizations. Whether your organization extends this ability to super users, end users or keeps it within the IT department, this webinar will demonstrate how to configure PeopleSoft through the use of drilling URLs, fluid pivot grids, related content, related actions, simplified analytics, page and field configurator and navigation collections.
Presented by Larry Zagata, MIPRO Consulting
Session ID: 102040
Title: Using PeopleSoft Lease Administration: Supporting the New Accounting Standard GASB 96
Date/Time: Thursday, October 26th, 11:30am – 12:30pm EDT
This session will focus on the new GASB 96 accounting standards for SBITA’s, Subscription Based Information Technology Agreements, such as cloud-based software. In this session we will discuss the SBITA components, a working example using PeopleSoft Lease Administration and the required accounting entries. We will also discuss the configuration needed to support GASB 96 and that Lease Administration can support GASB 96 without any customizations needed.
Presented by Steven Brenner, MIPRO Consulting
Session ID: 100160
Title: The Value of PeopleSoft eSupplier – From the Supplier’s Viewpoint
Date/Time: Thursday, October 26th, 3:30pm – 4:30pm EDT
PeopleSoft eSupplier provides benefits to both the organization implementing it and their vendor community. This session will focus on the vendors’ viewpoint of the value of using eSupplier, by discussing how vendors can use it to perform tasks and get answers they would normally have to reach out to their customer to get. We will also briefly discuss the value received by the organization by empowering their vendors. Lastly, we will provide a high-level approach to things to consider when deciding to implement eSupplier.
Presented by Rob Mowid, MIPRO Consulting & Larry Zagata, MIPRO Consulting
Virtual Booth Demos:
Creating a Drilling URL and Fluid Pivot Grid, Tuesday, 12:45-1:00pm EDT
How to Create a Simplified Analytic, Wednesday, 2:15-2:30pm EDT
Project Costing Overview, Thursday, 10:30-11:00am EDT
Using PeopleSoft Lease Administration: Hands-on demo Building a Lease in Lease Administration, Thursday, 11:00am – 11:30am EDT
If you’d like to request a meeting with the MIPRO Team, give us a shout. We look forward to seeing you online at RECONNECT 2023!