Oracle recently released FSCM PUM 42 and, as in most PUM releases, there are many enhancements to consider to determine what could benefit your organization the most. As in all PUM releases, the enhancements span multiple functional areas. Here is a quick, high-level run down of FSCM PUM 42. Links to additional details are included at the end of this article.
Real Time Indexing (RTI)
PUM 41 was first image where search definitions were certified for RTI. FSCM PUM 42 adds six additional definitions. These do require minimum PeopleTools versions listed in the image below.
New PICASO (Digital Assistant/Chatbot) Skills
Oracle added new skills for eSettlements related to the supplier to view information on invoices, payments and disputed invoices. The eSupplier supplier secure homepage includes inquiries on PO acknowledgement, overdue shipment and rejected receipts.
General Ledger
Enhancements to the general ledger include:
- Open Period Management
- Period and Close visualization and hierarchy view of entities and business units
- Approve Statistical Journals
- Inter-Unit Attachments
Additional enhancements in FSCM PUM 42 include:
Multiple Journals Attachments
Upload journal attachment page allows you to attach 1 or more attachments to one or more journals simultaneously.
Fluid Payment Request Enhancement
Support AP users with approval role
Project Costing – Fluid Project WorkCenter – A guided Project Wizard was added as was the ability to easily view and update missing or inactive project managers, missing project fields, expired projects with active status and missing project user fields.
Apply Multiple Payments in Payment Predictor
Copy and Adjust Validation
Manage Obsolete Suppliers and Bidders – Enhance review and withdraw supplier and bidder registrations and change requests that are no longer valid and the ability to notify the requester and modify the notification message.
Load Multiple Attachments – Strategic Sourcing uses this feature to allow the event creator to upload multiple attachments at event header, line, and bid factor levels in the sourcing event. Up to 99 attachments at a time.
If you have any questions about FSCM PUM Image 42 or need any additional information, please email me at [email protected].