MiPro Gives Back nominations now closed, but man, what a great ride


Twitter vs Enterprise Software

Ok.  That probably got your attention!  Thomas Wailgum’s recent post entitled Wake Up People! Forget Twitter and iPhone Apps, and Focus on SAP and ERP Apps had the same impact on a few of us here in the office at MiPro Consulting. Wailgum’s title is provocative.  More importantly however, his blog’s point is on target. 


Be Fearless.

This is from the cover of the March 2009 edition of Entrepreneur. I loved it!  Sums up how we are thinking over here at MiPro. be fearless. See beyond the recession. Run a lean business. Protect your business idea. Raise your first round of capital. Keep the fire in your belly. Kick some ass.


JetBlue: Walking the walk

It’s become a habit for companies in their marketing to acknowledge the state of the economy today.  It’s as if they believe that if they acknowledge that times are tough, then immediately they’ll bond with their customers and all will be well.  Because, you know, customers will get that these companies understand. There’s more to


Boredom in the 21st century

I suppose entering a new year is generally a cause for reflection on my part, and I tend to begin the year reviewing some Stephen Covey or similar classic in the self-management field. I find it sets me on the right path for the year, and gets me thinking about what is important in the