Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 4/8/11

Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 4/8/11

It’s Spring, and you know what that means: sometimes-incoherent preambles here on this blog, especially on Friday when most aren’t looking and I get to use the computer by myself.  So here are some random thoughts, in no order whatsoever, hastily blurted forth before I get in trouble:

  • I still can’t find an iPad 2.  Maybe I will when tablets are busted for being a giant fad and nothing else.
  • In a tiny, insignificant act of defiance against our endless winter we’ve got going here in MI, I started up my snowblower a few nights ago and let it run out of gas.  I am such a counterculture leader.
  • If map applications where the only thing a person could evaluate to choose between iOS and Android, very few iPhones would be sold.  In some ways, iOS is looking very dated relative to Android.
  • I had a Founders KBS imperial stout the other night, and I found out that it’s one of the rarest and highly-rated beers in the U.S.  And yes, it was that good.

And now, the links:

Know This

The libations of James Bond, painstakingly researched: “From Casino Royale (1953) to Quantum of Solace (2008), find every alcoholic beverage consumed by the world’s most famous secret agent.”

GOOD Asks the Experts: Is the Paleolithic diet really better?  As someone who has has tremendous success on the paleo/primal approach, I can say it works tremendously well – but it’s not magic.  It’s just some basic science (not necessarily anthropology) and discipline effectively interwoven.

Firefox users?  Experience slowdowns after messing with a bunch of add-ons?  Mozilla says add-ons can be to blame for browser slowness/instability.  See the culprits here.

Read This

I am a 91-year-old bodybuilder.  Inspiring.

Expansive waistlines could significantly increase your chances of late-life blindness, research says.

The Morning News declares a winner in its 2011 Tournament of Books.  The final was between Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom and Jennifer Egan’s A Visit From the Goon SquadHere’s the final shootout.

NYC’s newfound ‘loosie’ market.

Watch This

Pi is (still) wrong. Hilarious and way, way clever.  Math nerds, buckle up.

Tell me: which cat do you think is guilty?

Have a good weekend, everyone.


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