Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 4/22/10

Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 4/22/10

Know This

Steven Soderberg’s media stream: here’s a list of Soderberg’s favorite books, movies, TV shows, plays and short stories he enjoyed over the past year.

The science of why we don’t believe in science.

Does anyone in Silicon Valley care about Windows anymore?  Robert Scoble on the PC-to-Mac ratios he’s seeing in major tech companies, universities, and startups the world over.  Nutshell: there’s a pronounced move to Macs that corresponds to a marginalization of Windows.

Google Video is going dark, and fast.  Here’s the scoop and what you can do to help save it – or at least salvage some of its best content.

The BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, reviewed by Wired’s Mike Isaac.   Can you believe it doesn’t have a native email, calendar or contacts app?  And that it only supports tethering to BlackBerry phones (for now)?  Why was this released in such an unfinished state?

Read This

Malcolm Gladwell postulated in his book Outliers that it takes someone 10,000 hours to become an expert at something.  Well, Dan McLaughlin is putting it to the test: for the next six years, for six days a week and six hours a day, Dan will practice golf to see if he can get a shot on the PGA Tour.  He’s one year in.  You can follow his daily progress here.

Is sugar toxic?  An absolute must-read, especially if you’re keyed into the diabetes and obesity epidemics that are gripping this country.

Watch This

Speed climbing mountains!  In this case, the mountain in question is an ascent of the north face of Eiger, a 13,025 foot tall mountain in the Swiss Alps.  The first ascent took three days in 1938.  Here’s Ueli Steck making the same ascent in 2 hours, 47 minutes and 33 seconds.  About halfway through, he’s literally running up the mountain.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


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