Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 5/6/11

Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 5/6/11

So it’s been a scant two-and-a-half months since I announced an experimental format change for these Friday Linkology posts, and today I have another announcement: we’re going back to the way things were.  Meaning, I will begin every Friday post with a preamble, which likely will make little sense, that will murkily tie together some stream-of-consciousness thoughts with hyphens or colons or something – anything – that resembles literary glue to make it readable.  From there, I will link to a few things that are completely random and unassociated, and you, the reader, will get to sort it all out as the last mental gyration you need to do before the weekend.  So in a sense it will be like a random and nonsensical workout in the gym before you hit that giant BBQ over the weekend, except not like that at all.  Apologies for the lousy metaphor, but you get my drift.

So, basically, the old Friday Linkology format is the new format.  The previous format is now old and shall never be spoken of again.

What prompted this, by the way?  Nothing short of a lunch in which I was told by colleagues that the previous format wasn’t as entertaining as the original, and if I didn’t go back to the original people (meaning: they) would complain, and I would have to deal with the complaints and I really don’t have the kind of time on my hands to indulge what I know would be persistent whining, so could I please just go back to writing what they considered funny stuff before the links?  Please?  And I said okay and looked at my colleagues nervously, noticing their wild-eyed, vibrating brio was a little more wild-eyed and vibrating than normal.

And that’s how it went down.

So here are some links that I hope you’ll find interesting.  You’ll note there are fewer of them than there were under the format-that-shall-not-be-spoken-of-again, but that’s because, if you’ve read this far, I see no need in punishing you further.  That said:

Are you a bad tipper?  Careful – you might wind up on the Internet.

Women shine in the hedge fund world.  Perhaps the benefit of a different perspective?

Derek K. Miller’s last blog post before colorectal cancer took him.  Moving, strong, dignified and brave.  So, so worth the read.

And on a brighter note: Dear Sophie, an excellent ad from Google.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


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