Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 3/19/10

Linkology: The Best of the Internet for 3/19/10

I have to start with this: if you’re not following us on Twitter, please do.  We also have an active Facebook page.  We use those to share smaller bits of information and engage in community conversations, so you should follow us and become a fan if you’re interested in such things.  Consider each of these microblog counterparts to this main blog.

So, onward.  This week’s linkdump:

Consider your brain fried: scientists put largest ever object into quantum state.  From the opening paragraph: A team of scientists has succeeded in putting an object large enough to be visible to the naked eye into a mixed quantum state of moving and not moving. If you’re new to quantum science, this all seems nigh impossible, like gnomes and dragons and Gandalf.  But it just became real to the point where you have to acknowledge that another universe exists altogether, quite literally.

Mesofacts: your reality is out of date.

The most influential books, as chosen by Matt Yglesias.

Harvard grad A. K. Barnett-Hart’s now-famous thesis on the market for subprime mortgage-backed CDOs.  If the thesis is too complex (and it is for many), here is a good description of the piece.

Why did it take so long for humans to have an Industrial Revolution?

The hardest logic puzzle ever.

And, in the spirit of March Madness, the science of optimum free throw shooting has been calculated.  Interesting.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


MIPRO Consulting is a nationally-recognized consulting firm specializing in PeopleSoft Enterprise (particularly Enterprise Asset Management), Workday and Business Intelligence. You’re reading MIPRO Unfiltered, its blog.  If you’d like to contact MIPRO, email is a great place to start, or you can easily jump over to its main website.  If you’d like to see what MIPRO offers via Twitter or Facebook, we’d love to have you.

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