MiPro Consulting at the Quest Northeast Conference, This Week 7/16-7/18


SaaS Heavy-hitter Leaves SAP for Salesforce.com

Phil Wainewright: Enterprise software giant SAP has lost one of its brightest software-as-a-service stars to SaaS titan Salesforce.com, I can exclusively reveal. Steve Lucas, who spearheaded the development of SaaS at Business Objects, acquired by SAP last year, left the company at the end of June and began work straight away at Salesforce.com, where his


Heads-up: IRS Spam Now in the Wild

Must be the season for social-engineering spam, because if you thought this was bad, get a load of what just showed up in my inbox: This is a well-done ploy on many counts: it appears to be from the IRS, implicates my employer, looks official, and logically follows tax season. The attachment, a Word DOC,


MiPro’s Marketing Manifesto

I’d like to share with you page 59 of Andy Sernovitz’s excellent book Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, because it’s the page that’s worth the entire price of the book. Back when I tried to explain what this blog was all about — and by extension, what our company is


MiPro Core Values: People

Three-and-a-half years ago, when we started MiPro Consulting, one of the first things we did was define a set of core values. Before our name, before our logo, before even our mission statement, we defined a set of values that would serve as a guide, or compass, for where we took MiPro Consulting. Over the


SaaS Resistance in North America

Here’s an interesting breakdown, because this is a topic MiPro gets asked about constantly.  Even with SaaS maturing and rapidly approaching its commercial tipping point, there is still some resistance out there.  According to Forrester Research, here are the top eight reasons. (via Jason Averbook)


In This Morning’s Inbox: Clever Domain Name Spam

I found this waiting for me in my inbox this morning.  Fun! Dear CEO, We are a domain name registrar centre in HongKong.and in charge of the registeration in Asia.We have something important need to confirm with your company. We received a formal application from a company called “sa-lar yun Investment Corp” applying to register