Joshua Greenbaum on Oracle Fusion: Greatly Exceeded Expectations


Field Notes from Oracle OpenWorld

So I’m wrapping up at Oracle OpenWorld with Jim Borne, one of our Client Executives, where I’ve been asked to be the subject matter expert for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.  I’ve been at the Utilities Industry kiosk, and while the name might not get you fired up, there’s been a ton of attention around the Maintenance


The Heat Turns Up On 1099 Reporting Compliance

The Story As we approach the year-end preparation season, we’re getting asked a lot about how to close the gap in 1099 reporting compliance.  From what we can understand, there are several factors at play that you need to know about and that might re-prioritize 1099 reporting from whatever system you’re using. More specifically, the


Debunking SaaS Debunking

Businessweek recently published a surprisingly negative article about SaaS, saying that its hype can be largely undeserved for a number of reasons.  Now, I like BS-calling as much as the next guy (maybe a bit more, actually), but I found Gene Marks’s reasoning to be too generalized and all-encompassing. Marks says: Myth 1: SaaS is


The Intricacies of PeopleSoft Invoice Matching

In our recent newsletter, two of our senior principal consultants wrote a quick bit about the differences in PeopleSoft invoice matching functionality from 8.9 to 9.0.  We get asked about this a lot, and for most users, the differences can be somewhat arcane.  Because of this, I’d like to share the article. Differences in PeopleSoft


Deal Architect: Full Feeds Please

One of my favorite new business blogs is Deal Architect by Vinnie Mirchandani.  It’s become a daily read for me.  But here’s the thing: I follow over 100 feeds.  I don’t go to any website regularly, even personal favorites like Daring Fireball or  I live my digital life, in large part, in a feed


It’s Like Pepsi Trying to Trademark "Soda"

Dell, in a brilliant display of PR savvy, has tried to trademark “cloud computing”.  Per The Standard: After witnessing countless corporate attempts to patent common practices or trademark common terms, and seeing the resulting PR fallout, one would think that companies would just stop trying. Dell, however, seems to think that it should be able


Appirio Gains Sequoia Capital Funding: What Does It Mean?

Quite a bit, actually.  This is one that you should look at deeper than the headline. Last week, Appirio announced that it bagged Series B funding upwards of $5M by Sequoia Capital.  It’s worth noting that Sequoia is the same firm that underwrote upstarts such as Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and PayPal.  The pedigree is Midas-esque


MiPro Unfiltered: The Word Cloud

If you take this blog’s RSS feed and drop it into Wordle, you get a neat word cloud composed of oft-used words found in the feed’s RSS data.  The cloud for Unfiltered looks like this (click to enlarge): Nice idea for a web app, and good design aspects too.  All you need for Wordle to