Back to basics: Why choose an enterprise Business Intelligence tool, anyway?


PeopleTools 8.5: A look inside

As many in the PeopleSoft world may or may not know, Oracle is on the verge of releasing PeopleTools 8.5 this year.  This release is significant because of some of the advances that have been incorporated into it.  Many of the enhancements are going to greatly improve the end-user experience, and rumor has it that


How to do traditional advertising right

These days, almost all ‘traditional’ advertising equates to voluntary contributions to the ocean of ad noise out there that nobody pays attention to.  It’s boring, wordsmithed into the ground, filed so that every possible catchy edge has been worn into dust.  It’s been  reviewed by legal and boundary-cased so that no possible negative impression can


QUOTE: On discerning what matters

Something we discuss all the time when talking to our prospects and clients, as consultants often find themselves facing myriad information: I learned back in the days when I was consulting that they give you more information than you could possibly read. So you needed to quickly step back and say, “What are the two


Oracle and Sun and the key question from many technologists

You can’t step inside an RSS reader or Twitter today without reading about the Oracle/Sun acquisition, so I’ll assume for a moment that most everyone knows that Oracle plans to buy Sun for $7.4B or $9.50 per share in cash.  I’ll also assume that everyone has heard Ellison’s definite (and somewhat foreboding, especially if you’re


ANNOUNCEMENT: Two new whitepapers now available (PeopleSoft + Business Intelligence)

These have been circulating on our Twitter feed, but for all of our new blog visitors (hi everyone!), I thought I’d post our recently-published whitepapers here.  They are: PeopleSoft Maintenance Management: An Introduction and Overview of Benefits An overview of PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and its superiority relative to point solutions. This paper discusses the MM/ALM-centric


QUOTE: On reputation

“We can afford to lose money. We can afford to lose a lot of money. But we cannot afford to lose one shred of our reputation. Make sure everything you do can be reported on the front page of your local newspaper written by an unfriendly, but intelligent reporter.” – Warren Buffett


Don’t try to buy your customers’ attention. Earn it.

AdAge has a smart piece in which Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson tells companies not to buy media but “earn” it: As a venture capitalist, Mr. Wilson said, he’s funding companies that address the new marketing paradigm, from earned-media platforms such as Twitter and social video site Boxee to next-generation ad agencies such as Federated Media


MiPro Gives Back: voting results as of April 6

Probably the most important bit of information, so I’ll just throw it out there: today is the last day of voting.  Voting will officially close at 5 PM EST.  If you haven’t voted for your favorite charity, now is the time to do it. The winning charity or charities will be announced in one week,