Nearly Half of Prospective Smartphone Buyers to Choose iPhone


What We Know to Be True

As 37signals approaches its 10th anniversary, Jason Fried’s excellent The End of the Edge Case blog post contains a closing sentiment that resonates with everyone here on both business and personal levels: As we approach our 10th anniversary, I’m reminded of what we’ve always known to be true: simpler is better, clarity is king, complexity


What You See is Not What You Get

In the picture below, the bluish and greenish spirals are precisely the same color. Explanation here.  Key takeaway: your eyes deceive you, as your mind has to parse the information they record. Lots of voodoo can happen during that processing, which is exactly how illusions thrive. The adventurous gambler could make a killing on this


In Praise of Dullness

David Brooks, writing for the New York Times, on what characteristics help a CEO succeed: C.E.O.’s with law or M.B.A. degrees do not perform better than C.E.O.’s with college degrees. These traits do not correlate with salary or compensation packages. Nor do they correlate with fame and recognition. On the contrary, a study by Ulrike


Skating Babies

In the spirit of the E*Trade babies, here is Skating Babies, a brilliant spot done for Evian by BETC Euro RSCG.  The music – which is brilliant – is Rapper’s Delight by Dan the Automator. Sure, it borders on uncanny valley a bit more more than the E*Trade spots, but it’s so amazingly well done


On Good Being the Enemy of Great

John Gruber: That we had to wait two years for the iPhone’s text selection and pasteboard is a good example of one aspect of the Apple way: better nothing at all than something less than great. That’s not to say Apple never releases anything less than great, but they try not to. This is contrary