Something Old: I recently had a client whose team was struggling to complete many individual PM Work Orders as their system kept timing out. Since they had implemented a customization to replace the Mass Update function, I re-introduced them to Preventive Maintenance Loop Schedule functionality. It seemed like the perfect solution. Although they were aware of this function, it had not been utilized. For one work order and multiple assets, what could be easier? So, if you are looking to solve an issue, be sure to check out an existing functionality that you may have passed over at one time. When thinking about your process, a tiny tweak and an existing functionality could be just the right combination to solve the problem. The solution may already be out there to help you avoid a customization, and that is always a good thing.
Something New: There were a couple of helpful enhancements made to the Maintenance Management Preventive Maintenance module. In PUM 32, an enhancement was made to allow a Technician assignment in the PM Schedule. By selecting Auto Assignment & Dispatch in the Work Order Definitions and clicking on the new option of Auto Resource Replacement, this functionality will override what is in the Auto Assignment table for that PM Job. This will work great for those assets that may require a more skilled technician on annual or major maintenance.

In PUM 34, an enhancement was added to display the audit trail of changes on a PM Job on the PM Schedule. On the General Options page in the upper right corner, if you’re using your laptop or desktop, use the hyperlink View History. This will open a new window that will show the Description of the change, the Update Date/Time of the change and the username who made the change in the Modified By fields.

A couple of small changes can have a large impact on your business. If you have questions about Maintenance Management or other PeopleSoft modules, please reach out to or