Activity Guides, a feature of PeopleTools, allows organizations to provide guided paths for completing a business process. In PeopleSoft 9.2 there is a delivered guided business process for Life Events. The guided process steps the user through the required and optional steps to record a life event. It provides the user the opportunity to record the event without Benefits Administrator intervention. It also provides the user with not only one place to change or update their benefits enrollment, but also to effect Personal data and Payroll data changes as well.
Here is a brief video of recording a Life Event. In this case, recording a marriage:
Delivered Activity Guides can be configured to change the order of steps, make optional steps required and to provide personalized text. As you saw in the example of Life Events, each Life Event will have its own informational text that you define to meet your organizations requirements. With PeopleSoft 9.2 and PeopleTools 8.53, configurability, not customization, is the focus of this release.
I hope you find this helpful, as this is something not everyone knows about. If you have questions, I’m available. Fire away.