Mobile Technician for Maintenance Management is new with FSCM Image 24. Mobile Technician is a Fluid-based streamlined process allowing technicians to perform mobile work orders. The Mobile Technician Homepage presents the following as delivered:
- Notices: Events and messages for technicians to be aware of.
- My Tasks: Presents the work order tasks for the technician. It can also be filtered to show other work order tasks or broadened to show the tasks to other technicians.
- Quick Work Order: Allows the fluid quick entry of a work order.
- Open Tasks by Date: Pivot grid showing all open tasks by date allowing to prioritize tasks.
- Open Tasks by Priority: Pivot grid showing all open tasks by priority allowing to focus on prioritized tasks.
- Weekly Time Entries: Pivot grid showing work hours and the work orders associated with the work time entered.
Let’s look at a few of these tiles by drilling in with a bit more detail.
My Tasks: When clicking on the tile, it brings up the assigned tasks for the logged-in technician. This presents all of the tasks that the technician is assigned and allows the technician to execute their work from their mobile device. It lists the schedule, priority and dates to help the technician prioritize.
When the technician clicks on the details, it brings up options for data entry into the work order and completing the work order. The technician can execute a quick complete or enter time, problem codes, downtime, tools, notes and attachments…..all mobile friendly.
Quick Complete:
Additionally, when first entering the details of the My Tasks tile, the user can filter and expand or tighten the list of work order tasks.
Quick Work Order: When clicking on the Quick Work Order tile, it brings up the open work orders. At this point, the technician can click on any of the open work orders much like they can in My Tasks. The other option here is the Add Work Order button.
When entering the work order, the technician can put in the specific details for each task.
Open Tasks by Date: This is a pivot grid report that shows all of the open work orders by date. This allows the technician to go into the work order based on the date the work was scheduled to start/end.
When clicking on the report, it then brings up the option to go to the details or drill down.
For each of the open work orders, there are related actions available. The related actions can take the technician to the details of the work order or allow the technician to generate a quick work order.
The other two pivot grids (Open Tasks by Priority and Weekly Time Entry), provide the same options as the Open Tasks by Date.
The Mobile Technician is a very valuable and long awaited addition to Maintenance Management, providing technicians the ability to execute their work from their mobile devices.
If you would like additional information, please reach out to [email protected].