Hello again everyone! Welcome to Part II of our blog series, Leveraging Important Lease Administration Data. In this blog, we will focus on lease payment monitoring enhanced with delivered BI Publisher tools.
One of the most common and important Lease Administration queries requested by customers is a list of “lease payments due”. It is always important to understand what lease payments are due, to whom and for how much. This helps to ensure that payments are processed on time and enables you to understand the financial obligations.
In order to generate our lease payments query, we utilized data from five key tables within Lease Administration. As you can see from the results below, this is a standard query showing the Business Unit, Lease Number, Lease Name, Lease Administrator, Lessor Name, scheduled payment date and the dollar amount of the payment. This list is then sorted by Lease Number.

Next, let’s add some additional value by using this query to create a BI Publisher report which can be grouped, sorted. It can be scheduled to run & be delivered to each Lease Administrator’s inbox.
To do this, we must first download the data to XML.

We will then open the BI Publisher tab and use the query data that was downloaded to XML.

Once loaded successfully, we receive the following message.

Next, we will build our report utilizing the BI Publisher tools using the following steps:
- Add a chart at the header level of the report. We will show all the Lessors that have payments due and the total dollar amount by Lessor. This will provide a snapshot of the payment obligations in total and a visual on which Lessor is owed the most.
- Add a table to contain all of the fields of the query. We will group the results by Lessor and sort by dollar amount. This will show a table of data. Unlike the original query, it will be sorted and very easy to see graphically by Lessor.
- Add another chart within the grouping by Lessor. This will allow us to have another visual of the dollar amount by lease for each specific Lessor.
- Save the report template as Rich Text Format. It will look like the template below.

Run the report to see the results.

The report is generated as indicated below.

As demonstrated, you can see the additional value of the BI Publisher report over the base query visually when data is grouped, sorted and added into charts. This report can also be scheduled and delivered to each Lease Administrator’s inbox. It can also be sent in bursts to only the relevant portion of the report for each Lease Administrator’s responsibility department or area.
In summary, Part I showed you how to add value with a query by turning it into a Fluid Pivot Grid and adding it to a homepage. In Part II, we focused on lease payment monitoring enhanced with delivered BI Publisher tools. In Part III, we will demonstrate additional value using queries to monitor lease options.
In our final blog of this series, we will demonstrate creating additional value using queries to monitor lease options.
For more information regarding PeopleBooks, visit https://docs.oracle.com/en/applications/peoplesoft/index.html. For more information about PeopleSoft modules, check out www.PeopleSoftinfo.com. As always, thank you for reading and be sure to read our other Lease Administration Blogs.
Steven Brenner, CPA
Senior Principal Consultant
MIPRO Consulting
Larry Zagata
VP Solutions Delivery
MIPRO Consulting