Friday Linkology: The Best of the Internet, 10/2/09 Edition

Friday Linkology: The Best of the Internet, 10/2/09 Edition

Before we get to our standard Friday links, a question.  This morning, a waterbaldwin_ggr cooler conversation broke out that got us talking: what are the best movie scenes you remember?

Lots of answers to this, but these are the ones that everyone agreed really stood out.

There’s the famous Glengarry Glen Ross monologue, which many argue launched Alec Baldwin’s career in earnest.  Or a similar scene in Boiler Room starring Vin Diesel.  Then there’s the wallet scene in Pulp Fiction. Or the courtroom scene in A Few Good Men.  Or maybe some more Alec Baldwin in a classic narcissistic rant in Malice. The Billy Madison everyone-is-now-dumber scene. Blazing Saddles’s campfire cowboys.  Or, maybe, when John (Owen Wilson) meets Chazz (Will Ferrell) in Wedding Crashers.

What are yours? Let us know in the comments.

With that out of the way, here’s some good Friday reading for you:

Have a good weekend, everyone.

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