Living together: Oracle BI and PeopleSoft


Living together: Oracle BI and PeopleSoft

We previously discussed the basics of business intelligence and why companies – even in a down economy – should choose a BI tool. Today, we will explore a scenario that’s commonly talked about: having PeopleSoft ERP and Oracle BI applications happily coexist and thrive. First, the ERP side. PeopleSoft is a world-class ERP system and


Eating your own dog food

Dan Frommer for Silicon Alley Insider: Microsoft won’t pay for its employees’ Apple (AAPL) iPhone data service plans anymore, even if they’re used significantly for work purposes. Nor will it pay for Research In Motion (RIMM) BlackBerry service, or a new Palm Pre. Instead, it will only reimburse data plans for Microsoft Windows Mobile-powered smartphones.


Friday links + other assorted hypertext wares

It’s game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight, and our Red Wings have a chance to repeat for the second time in 11 years.  So if this post seems haphazard and aimless, it’s because everyone in Detroit is either planning a gigantic party tonight or learning how to tie a respectable noose, depending on


CIOs say ERP systems considerably underutilized

From CIO Insight: A survey of 300 senior IT professionals corroborated something we’ve been seeing for the past few years: most ERP systems are dramatically underutilized in terms of functionality. The survey, conducted by Accenture and targeted at senior IT pros across North America and the UK, yielded some interesting facts: Most organizations use only


PeopleSoft Real Estate Management (REM): A deeper look

If you can remember last week through the Pre and iPhone hype, you’ll recall I discussed PeopleSoft’s ALM product suite at an introductory level. This  week we’ll take a deeper dive into Real Estate Management (REM), one of the modules included within the ALM suite. At the 10,000 foot level, PeopleSoft REM enables organizations to


Apple and AT&T: this can’t end well

After the iPhone 3GS was announced and the blogs went either insane with lust or became more embittered that Apple didn’t deliver <insert feature here>, one story emerged from the keynote aftermath: the state of the relationship between Apple and AT&T. AT&T was notably absent on more than one carrier-focused presentation slide at WWDC, and


Palm Pre review roundup (includes Pre welcome video)

Looks like the iPhone had better bring its game face to WWDC and OS 3.0, because the Pre isn’t kidding around.  It gets high marks for its WebOS, which allows real app multitasking, and reviewers unanimously praise its OS speed, browser, screen and overall user interface/experience. It gets nicked for a fairly poor keyboard, some


Good luck with that

DigiTimes reports that Steven Guggenheimer, General Manager of the Application Platform & Development Marketing Division at Microsoft, plans to re-brand “netbooks” as “low cost small notebook PCs”. Guggenheimer pointed out on June 2 in Taipei during Computex 2009 that since some of the mini-notebooks already feature capabilities more than just purely Internet browsing – which