The Value of Upgrading to PeopleSoft 9.2

The Value of Upgrading to PeopleSoft 9.2

release_model_1Quest QA Magazine recently published an article, “Seeing the Value in Today’s PeopleSoft.” In the article, Marc Weintraub, Senior Director at PeopleSoft, talks about the enormous benefit of PeopleSoft Selective Adoption, including the ability of companies to stay on top of maintenance and get the latest capabilities without the need for a “small army” to do it efficiently. Gone are the days of expensive and labor & time intensive upgrades. PeopleSoft Selective Adoption allows customers to select which changes they want to make to their application. It is a delivery model that allows upgrades to bring true value to the organization. And customers are definitely taking advantage of this new delivery model. Weintraub shares, “Currently over 40% of active PeopleSoft customers are on the latest release of the software, with a conversion rate of just over 5% per quarter.” He highlights the fact that 9.2’s PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface (FUI) offers an intuitive user interface allowing companies to easily deploy PeopleSoft in a mobile environment. This is critical in today’s environment where the definition of what constitutes a workplace has itself become fluid.

Don’t wait to take advantage of the benefits of upgrading to PeopleSoft 9.2. Contact Larry Zagata today to get started.

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