UPCOMING: PeopleTools 8.5 Webinar Hosted By Grey Sparling

UPCOMING: PeopleTools 8.5 Webinar Hosted By Grey Sparling

Quick post to say that there has been a lot of interest in PeopleTools 8.5 recently (and I mean lots), and one of our partners is putting on a webinar this upcoming Wednesday (Oct 21) about some of the most prominent new features and improvements.  If you’re interested in PeopleTools 8.5, it will be very much worth checking out.

You can check out the events page and register for the PeopleTools 8.5 – A Look Inside session.  Session description:

PeopleTools 8.50 is the biggest PeopleTools release this millenium. End-users are clamboring for the slick new user interface, the 9.1 applications require it. Are you ready for it?

In this session, we’ll have a live PeopleTools 8.50 instance up and running.

  • We’ll go through lots of demos, along with some peeks “under the covers.”
  • We’ll give you some analysis of the impact of PeopleTools 8.50 on your organization.

I’ll be there.  Hope you can make it, too.

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