‘PeopleSoft Is Still Going Gangbusters’

‘PeopleSoft Is Still Going Gangbusters’

Back in January of this year Chris Kanaracus of IDG observed that PeopleSoft is still going gangbusters.  As we continue into 2011, we’ve seen a similar trend.

Kanaracus notes that the current 9.1 release of PeopleSoft is being adopted at a rate four times faster than any other edition.  Pretty impressive for an application that has been around for 20 years.

My personal observation is that there are a number of reasons for this.  First is that in 2005, when Oracle acquired PeopleSoft, it froze the market.  Many statements were made in the months prior to the acquisition and customers were not sure what direction Oracle was going to take with respect to the PeopleSoft application, so many companies took a “wait and see” approach.

Then the probable replacement for PeopleSoft, Fusion, was to be out just a year or two after the acquisition.  So that added to customers not making any moves, in order to see what Fusion had to offer.

Once it was clear that Oracle was in fact not only going to support PeopleSoft, but also enhance the entire suite, in combination with the news that Fusion was going to take a little longer to bake before it was ready, the economic crisis took hold.  Funding for any and every project dried up.

So here we are in 2011.  Companies have put off upgrades and enhancements to their backoffice solutions for way too long.  And now as the economy slowly rebounds, many of them are starting to make investments in their PeopleSoft solution that they have put off since 2005. Since 2005. It’s time.  No one wants to be caught flat-footed as their competitor captures market share because they were more prepared and willing to invest for the recovery.

So while there is still cautiousness in the air, companies are embracing PeopleSoft 9.1 as well as putting into service software they’ve owned but have not yet utilized.

Going gangbusters is a lot more fun than frozen.  Just sayin’.


MIPRO Consulting is a nationally-recognized consulting firm specializing in PeopleSoft Enterprise (particularly Enterprise Asset Management) and Business Intelligence. You’re reading MIPRO Unfiltered, its blog. If you’d like to contact MIPRO, email is a great place to start, or you can easily jump over to its main website. If you’d like to see what MIPRO offers via Twitter or Facebook, we’d love to have you.

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