Tim O’Reilly on Google’s Nexus One

Tim O’Reilly on Google’s Nexus One

Tim O’Reilly, reporting just after yesterday’s Nexus One press event:

News from the front: a possible turning point for Android. I’ve been a huge iPhone fan, but after using the Nexus One for a few weeks, I find so much to like that I’m close to the point where Android might be my first choice. While I may yet go back to my iPhone, I’m conflicted.

As an iPhone user who was impressed with the Motorola Droid but not enough to consider ditching my iPhone for it, the Nexus One already has me thinking that Apple better bring its biggest guns to the 2010 mobile web fight. While Twitter is ablaze about how the Nexus One is the iPhone killer, I think that’s premature: anyone who’s been doing this a while knows that Apple has had good G2 on this for a while now, and the next version of the iPhone (slated for the now-traditional June/July release) isn’t going to concede much to today’s Nexus One.

Should be interesting, but all speculation aside, it’s time to remember this: when smart companies compete, customers always win. It’s a beautiful thing.

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