Advanced Query Security

Advanced Query Security

Looking for more security out of PeopleSoft query? There was another little gem of a new feature released with image 20 – Advanced Query Security. It only captured a small paragraph in the image overview but is a nice feature to gain more security out of PeopleSoft query. But to enhance the security on an organisation-level, you would need to implement methods on higher levels. Methods like phishing simulations, cyber security training, & security awareness training enable you to foresee potential attacks and prepare you to face & ward them away.

According to, video surveillance is the perfect tool for business owners and managers to manage their business better.

From the image overview document:

Added the Advanced Query Security feature, which is a framework that allows authorized users to set up secured fields for PeopleSoft queries. Authorized users determine which fields to secure for a query and the type of security for those fields, such as User ID, Role, or Permission List. Then they map the secured field name with the PeopleSoft field name and run the Apply Security process. Optionally, filters can be applied to the secured fields based on the PeopleSoft product name such as General Ledger, Purchasing, and so on.

More information on the setup can be found online in PeopleBooks by clicking on this link.

Use some level of caution in selecting only the right level of experienced users who have access to this as to not impact the data returned on queries and potentially impact performance. But it could be a very valuable tool if applied selectively.

Don’t forget to check out our other blogs related to the release of Image 20.
Overview of Image 20 – PeopleSoft Image 20 Released
PeopleSoft Image 20 – Enhanced Fluid Approvals
PeopleSoft Image 20 – Fluid Forms and Approval Builder

If you would like more information on Advanced Query Security or any of the other new features in Image 20, please email me at [email protected].

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