HCM Self-Service Fluid Pages

HCM Self-Service Fluid Pages

Can you believe the number of HCM Self-Service Fluid pages? 56 HCM Self-Service Fluid pages! These pages cover employee self-service for benefits, payroll, profile and manager self-service.

The links below will take you directly to the PeopleBooks page describing the delivered content for HCM Self-Service Fluid Pages.

Application / Product Fluid Page Classic Page (Replaced or Counterpart) Image Delivered Comments
eBenefits Benefits Summary Page Image 9
eBenefits Life Events Page Image 9
eBenefits View Form 1095-C Page View Form 1095-C Page Image 20
eBenefits Form 1095-C Consent Page Form 1095-C Consent Page Image 20
eCompensation Manager Desktop Pending Approvals – Ad Hoc Salary Change Page Approve Ad Hoc Salary Change Page Image 20
eDevelopment Talent Profile Page My Current Profile Page Image 9 See also Maintaining Person Profiles.
ePay (Global Payroll) Payslips Page View Payslips

See Viewing Payslips Online

Image 9
ePay (Global Payroll) Payment Summary Page (small form factor only) Image 14 Includes several secondary pages with details such as earnings, deductions, absence balances, payment distribution, and paycheck analytics.
ePay (Global Payroll) Payslip Analytics Page (small form factor only) Image 14
ePay (Payroll for North America) Pay Page Pay Page

See Setting Up and Viewing Self-Service Paychecks

Image 9
ePay (Payroll for North America) View Paycheck Page (medium and larger form factors) Pay Page

See Setting Up and Viewing Self-Service Paychecks

Image 9
ePay (Payroll for North America) Paycheck Summary Page and Paycheque Summary page (small form factor only) Pay Page and Pacheque Page

See Setting Up and Viewing Self-Service Paychecks

Image 14 Includes several secondary pages with details such as earnings, taxes, deductions, leave balances, net pay distribution, and paycheck analytics.
ePay (Payroll for North America) Paycheck Analytics Page (small form factor only) Image 14
ePay (Payroll for North America) Tax Withholding Page Image 18
ePay (Payroll for North America) Federal Tax Withholding Forms Page Image 18
ePay (Payroll for North America) State Tax Withholding Forms Page Image 18
eProfile (Personal Details) Additional Information Page Image 9 See also Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.
eProfile (Personal Details) Addresses (Summary) Page Home and Mailing Address Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Contact Details Page Phone Numbers Page

Email Addresses Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Emergency Contacts (Summary) Page Emergency Contacts Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Ethnic Groups Page Ethnic Groups Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Form I-9 Page Employment Eligibility Verification Page, Section 1 Image 17
eProfile (Personal Details) Marital Status Page Marital Start Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Name (Summary) Page Name Change Page

See Reviewing and Updating Personal Information.

Image 9
eProfile (Personal Details) Veteran Status Page Veteran Status Page Image 17
eProfile (Personal Details) Voluntary Self-Identification Disability Page Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability Page Image 17
eProfile (Personal Details) Select Photo Page Image 9
eProfile (Matrix Team) Manage Matrix Teams Page Image 17
eProfile Manager Desktop (Fluid Approvals) Pending Approvals – <Transaction Name> Page Image 20 Fluid Approvals supports the following eProfile Manager Desktop approval transaction requests that are generated from the following self service pages:

Employee Self Service:
·Address Change
·Marital Status Change
·Name Change

Manager Self Service:
·Full/Part Time Status
·Location Change
·Promote Employee
·Reporting Change
·Retire Employee
·Terminate Employee
·Transfer Employee

eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Employee Snapshot – Summary Dashboard Image 19
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Employee Snapshot – Promotion Readiness Dashboard Image 19
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Employee Snapshot – Compensation Review Dashboard Image 21
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Job Details: Job Information Page Image 19 See also Talent Summary Page.
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Job Details: Job History Page Career History Pagelet Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Compensation: Current Salary Page Current Salary Pagelet Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Compensation: Salary History Page Base Salary History Pagelet Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Compensation History Page Image 19
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Compensation: Total Rewards Page Total Rewards Pagelet Image 21
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Job Competencies Page Job Related Competencies Pagelet Image 19
eProfile Manager Desktop (Employee Snapshot) Performance History Page Performance History Pagelet as a Graph Image 19
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Select Employee Page Image 9 Fluid pages for guided self-service were delivered in Image 9. Configurations for specific guided self-service transactions have been delivered in multiple images:

·Image 9: Change Full/Part Time Status, Promote Employee, Request Ad Hoc Salary Change, Transfer Employee

·Image 11: Request Location Change, Request Reporting Change

·Image 12: Retire Employee, Terminate Employee

·Image 20: Demote Employee

·Image 21: Request Paid Leave of Absence, Request Leave of Absence

eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Questionnaire Page Image 9
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Decision Support Page(PeopleTools  8.55 or later) Image 9
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Work and Job Information Page Image 9
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Compensation Details Page Image 9
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Review and Submit Page Image 9
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Fluid <Transaction Name> Page for Guided Self-Service Approvals Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Salary Change Details Page (for fluid approvals) Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Salary Grade Information Page(for  fluid approvals) Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (guided self-service) Attachments Page (for fluid approvals) Image 20
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team) My Team – Summary Page Image 9 See also Viewing the Manager Dashboard Pagelets and Pages Used to View Personal Information
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team) Select Manager Page Image 17
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team) My Team – Performance Page Image 9 See also Viewing the Manager Dashboard Pagelets and Pages Used to View Personal Information
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team) My Team – Compensation Page Image 9 See also Viewing the Manager Dashboard Pagelets and Pages Used to View Personal Information
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team) My Team – Leave Balances Page Image 9 See also Viewing the Manager Dashboard Pagelets and Pages Used to View Personal Information
eProfile Manager Desktop (My Team – Analytics) Performance vs. Compa-Ratio Pivot Grid Image 18
eProfile Manager Desktop (Fluid Approvals – Matrix Team) Pending Approvals – Matrix Team Page Image 20

There is a lot of good information on the Fluid User Interface key concepts page accessible at PeopleSoftinfo.com. This page has links and content for everything Fluid. One of the most useful links is the listing of everything that is available in HCM and FSCM in Fluid.   The exact page can be found here.

If you missed any of the preceding blogs regarding all things Fluid be sure to check out these links.

Part 1 – Complete list of all available Fluid Pages that are common to FSCM
Part 2 – General Ledger Fluid Pages

Part 3 – Expenses Fluid Pages

Part 4 – Accounts Payable Fluid WorkCenter
Part 5 – ALM Fluid Pages

Part 6 – Treasury Fluid Pages

Part 7 – Purchasing and eProcurement Fluid Pages

Part 8 – Mobile Inventory Fluid Pages

Part 9 – SRM and Supplier Contracts Fluid Pages

Part 10 – HCM Fluid Pages

Part 11 – Workforce Management Fluid Pages
Part 12 – Workforce Development Fluid Pages

If you would like additional information regarding HCM Self-Service Fluid Pages or any other Fluid information, please contact me at larry.zagata@miproconsulting.com.

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