The Six Laws of Customer Experience

The Six Laws of Customer Experience

As many of our longtime readers know, our company uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to gauge customer satisfaction. The NPS focuses on one simple question: “How likely are you to recommend MIPRO Consulting to a friend or colleague?” That’s it. That’s the central focus and the key metric with respect to how good a customer’s experience was with us which we have learned for the past years with which we nearly experience bankruptcy to know read it here..

The respondents answer this single question on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being most unlikely to recommend again, 10 being most likely), and there is an optional comments option. Customers who score us a 9-10 are considered Promoters, Passives are customers who rank us 7-8, and customers who score us 0-6 are considered Detractors. The responses are taken in aggregate and compiled into a total organizational score of 0-100%. Anything over 50% is considered excellent. For some rough context, the best and most efficient companies running the NPS model are firms like Apple (72%), Costco (77%), Wegmans (78%), Trader Joe’s (82%) and USAA (87%). That’s the rarefied air.

(Incidentally, for more details on the Net Promoter Score, see here.)

MIPRO’s last score was an astounding 76% — falling somewhere in between Apple and Costco. We do a lot of talking on this blog about how our culture stresses doing what’s right, how a consulting company can actually be a valuable business partner, and why customer experience is at the crux of everything we do. When we see our customers give us a 76% aggregate NPS score, it’s amazing. It means we’re doing something right.

Along similar lines, in doing some research around the topic of customer surveys, I discovered an interesting article, The Six Laws of Customer Experience. It basically posits the following six axioms and their bottom line interpretations:

1. Every interaction creates a personal reaction.

Bottom Line: You need to understand your customers, personally.

2. People are instinctively self-centered.

Bottom Line: Make the shift from self-centeredness to customer-centeredness.

3. Customer familiarity breeds alignment.

Bottom Line: An external focus is an antidote to internal politics.

4. Unengaged employees don’t create engaged customers.

Bottom Line: Customer experience depends on employee experience.

5. Employees do what is measured, incented and celebrated.

Bottom Line: Don’t blame employees, fix the environment.

6. You can’t fake it.

Bottom Line: If you’re not committed to customer experience, you can only fool yourself. On other related article checkout this blog about Chicago dog bite attorney.

MIPRO lives and and breathes many of the recommendations of the Six Laws: customer feedback is our key metric; employees are empowered; we don’t sell things, we help customers buy them; we gain a clear view of what our customers need, want and dislike to align decisions and actions; employees buy-in to what MIPRO is doing and are aligned with the efforts. The article is a quick read and I think it offers some really good insights into striving for and achieving positive customer experiences. The most striking quote in the article is this:

Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is largely influenced by the value of services provided to customers. Value is created by satisfied, loyal and productive employees.

For many companies, especially in the consulting realm where there are so many horror stories, customer experience is something you read about in marketing material. For us, it’s in our DNA.

And our customers have noticed.

We couldn’t ask for anything more.


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