In Part IV of our Health and Safety blog series: Injury Information, we will explore the information associated with injuries. Before you enter injury and illness information, you create an incident, assign an incident type, and select the Resulted in An Injury or Illness check box on the Incident Details – Incident page.
On the Injury Details page, you enter employee or non-employee data.
The Description page will include details of the injury and treatment.
On the Statements page, enter the information provided by the employer and the injured.
On the Details tab, include details such as body parts injured, nature of the injury, the accident type, whether it was an unsafe act, etc.
The 1st Aid page includes details such as whether the injured was taken to the hospital, whether the injured fell unconscious, type of first aid treatment, etc.
On the Diagnosis tab, provide information including what type of healthcare was provided, physical information or medical facility and any medical diagnosis.
For the Work-Related tab, enter information such as return dates, last date worked, whether the injury was work related, if the employee is cleared to return to work, how many days of work missed, etc.
The Reporting page includes information such as whether it is reportable, OSHA case numbers, date filed with OSHA, etc.
If any injury does occur, all of this data can be captured and reported upon.
One can also review the summary of the injury information with a link back to the injury details.
As always, if you have any questions or need any additional information, please email me at [email protected]. To read more about MIPRO Consulting, click here.